Thursday, April 21, 2011

Boston Rob = Best Survivor Ever

I know what you're thinking. Survivor? That show's still on?! Well not only is it still the gold standard in reality TV after a decade, but the 22nd season has re-introduced those that do watch to Rob Mariano for the fourth time. For fans of the show, you have to respect the man they call Boston Rob as not only the best Survivor contestant ever, but as one of the greatest reality stars in the history of television.

Rob has single handedly dominated this season of Survivor like almost no other. With the cast whittled down from 18 to 8 (well 9 if you count the future Redemption Island champ), there's little doubt as to who's the huge front runner in this game. Boston Rob has had a hand in every single ouster to date (including Christian Matt twice). He has his majority obeying his every command like an evil dictator. In last week's episode, the tribe found a bunch of fish washed up on shore. While former members of the opposing tribe ate to their hearts content, Boston Rob continued his rule with an iron fist by not allowing his "lemmings" to eat. Everyone is too afraid to go against him, and even if they did, Rob has a hidden immunity idol which will keep him safe. Although there's still a few weeks to go and the victory isn't guaranteed, I would be shocked if he didn't at least make it to the final tribal council of three. From there it's a crap shoot, but if I had a vote, it would be a no brainer.

The thing that sets Rob apart from other great survivors of seasons past is his complete game. While certain legends like Colby have excelled in the physical challenges, Parvati owning the social game like a black widow, and Russell using manipulation to work his way up the ladder, no contestant has ever possessed all three to the degree that Boston Rob has. Oh, and it doesn't hurt that he locked down a Maxim Cover Girl, former Survivor partner in crime Amber. It's no wonder why I consider Rob to be the best survivor of all time.

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