Monday, May 2, 2011

Score One For Team USA

I was in high school when it happened. It was 10 years ago, but I'll never forget where I was on September 11th. Like the JFK assassination for my parent's generation, it was one of those "remember where you were when..." moments. I was just coming back from the bathroom during my FST class when I saw our classroom TV tuned to Fox News showing footage of a plane crashing into the World Trade Centers. I couldn't understand the magnitude of that moment at the time. Looking back, it was a defining moment for our country. Party lines converged and our country came together in a moment of unifying patriotism. 10 years later, that patriotism has returned. 

While watching ESPN's Sunday Night Baseball, I watched as play-by-play man Dan Shulman announced that Osama bin Laden had finally been killed. All of those emotions from 9/11 came rushing back. It wasn't just me. In the stands at Citizen's Bank Ballpark, Phillies and Mets fans chanted in unison U-S-A U-S-A. It was an amazing scene. Once again, sports were put on the backburner. It didn't matter which team you supported, it just mattered that you were an American citizen. On this day, I can join in unison with everyone else in this country and say that I'm very proud to be an American.

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